Thursday, December 11, 2008

Donations for Uganda

As we near the holiday season, please consider this message from Cristina Fernández:

71 boys need uniforms for schools, uniforms that cost just $7.35 each. Many of these boys have HIV. Most of them are orphans. All of them live in Uganda.

The Sabina Primary School and Boarding House provides housing, education, and support services to about 300 children aged 5-13, many of whom are orphans and vulnerable (living with HIV, living with physical disabilities or mental illness). My aunt and cousin visited the Sabina School in August on a mission trip to support Children of Uganda, a non-profit organization that provides housing, food, primary education, and support services (HAART treatment, counseling, food supplements) to over 600 children, many living with HIV and many orphaned, in the Rukai and Mukono districts of Uganda.

My aunt has been fundraising for the Sabina School for 4 months. During a recent conversation with the principal, she was told that 71 of the boys have uniforms so old they have fallen apart. A new uniform, a new set of clothes, will make a difference in their lives as students and as boys.

If you are inspired to purchase a new uniform for one of the boys from Sabina School, please write a check to "Children of Uganda" for $7.35 and write "Boy's uniform-Sabina School" in the memo line. You can give the check to me in class our any other time before winter break. Or you can give me cash and I'll write a check for the bulk amount of cash I receive.

For more information about the Children of Uganda, visit: and my aunt's blog


Cristina Fernández

p.s. of course the girls need school uniforms too, and if you would like to buy a girl a uniform, each costs $9.15 (the higher cost is due to the fact the girl's uniform is a dress)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Impact of Malnutrition on Maleconomics in Developing Countries

For those of you who expressed interest in our first module, "Hunger, Malnutrition and the Global Food Crisis," see below for an event hosted by IHO as part of their Tropical Medicine Rounds.

IHO is very pleased to announce that December's Tropical Medicine Rounds will be the first part of a doubleheader with Dr. Richard Deckelbaum, Professor of Pediatrics, Professor of Epidemiology, and Chair of the Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia.

Dr. Deckelbaum's December talk will be on the links between malnutrition and economic development in poor countries, drawing on his experience as a public health nutritionist, advisor to Jeffrey Sachs' Earth Institute, and member of several US government and UN advisory panels.

In January's talk, he will discuss therapeutic nutrition: how to assess poorly nourished children in the field, how to institute therapeutic feeding programs, and the health consequences of pediatric malnutrition.

His first talk, titled "Impact of Malnutrition on Maleconomics in Developing Countries," will be

5:15 PM

Read about Dr. Deckelbaum

Friday, December 5, 2008

Public Health and Urban Design in NYC

The P&S Student Forum on Global Health and Human Rights is excited to present a talk by Richard Plunz, director of the Urban Design Lab, on public health and urban design on New York City.  This talk is co-sponsored with Mailman's Students for Environmental Action (SEA).  The Urban Design Lab (UDL), at the Earth Institute, integrates social processes, education initiatives, technological solutions, and political empowerment to create long-lasting sustainable changes in communities. UDL also provides technical and consultation services to community-based organizations, with the goal of incorporating sustainable alternatives for meeting development needs.  Please see below for details on the event, and the UDL website.

Urban Design Lab's Richard Plunz : "Re-Centering New York City"

A lunch time talk by Director of Columbia's Urban Design Lab, Richard Plunz, on some of the  UDL's ongoing projects related to both public health and design, and the future of NYC.  Also, learn some ideas about how to green up your room/apartment or home.  Food and beverages will be served.

WHEN: Tuesday December 9th

WHERE: Hess Commons (722 West 168th St)

TIME: 1 - 2:30 PM

Urban Design Lab

Environmental Justice Talk Tonight is CANCELED

Hi all,

We regret to inform you that the due to unforseen circumstances, tonight's speaker had to cancel her talk.  We are working on rescheduling for a later date, so stay tuned.  Also, look out for another speaker on Environmental Justice next week, co-sponsored with Mailman's Students for Environmental Action.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Environmental Justice

The Forum on Global Health & Human Rights presents its next module: Environmental Justice! Take a study break!  Come hear Ogonnaya Dotson-Newman, the Environmental Health and Community-Based Research Coordinator for WE ACT for Environmental Justice, Inc., talk about environmental health, toxicity, and disparities in Northern Manhattan. 

Friday, December 5
6-7:30 pm
Hammer 404

Refreshments will be served -- See you there!

*Co-sponsored by the International Health Organization, Physicians for Human Rights, AMSA, and the Clinical Practice course*

Please see below for a talk done by a representative of WE ACT

Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1st is World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day, which was established twenty years ago today, is an effort at spreading awareness about the problem of HIV/AIDS not only globally, but also in local communities. The P&S International Health Organization is sponsoring the event below.

DECEMBER 1, 2008
Hear about the personal, public health, and advocacy aspects of
AIDS in Washington Heights.
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Alumni Auditorium
Columbia University Medical Center
650 W. 168th Street



Cities all over the country are attempting to spread awareness and explain that HIV does not discriminate.