Friday, April 24, 2009

UPDATE: Malaria bed nets!


I'm proud to announce that we beat our record of $160 from last year.

Today, we raised $500 to donate to NothingButNets!

This will provide 50 bed nets, each of which can protect a family of four and will last up to 4 years.  And because they're treated to kill the malaria-spreading mosquitoes, they will help protect not only individuals, but entire communities!

Thanks to all who donated!

If you didn't have a chance to donate and would like to, click on NothingButNets and make your donation by credit card or check.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Please join PHR for a breakfast to learn about the international health burden of malaria and help provide a life-saving bed net for only $10.

This Friday, April 24th from 8:15-9am, PH 17-201.

Suggested donation: $10 (all proceeds go to NothingButNets)

Last year we collected $ us beat that record this year!!

Each year, malaria afflicts approximately half a BILLION people.
Malaria kills more than a million people per year; 90% of those who die are African children.
Every 30 seconds in Africa, a child dies of malaria.
Malaria illness and death cost Africa about $12 billion per year -- this disease is keeping countries poor.
For only $10, we can purchase a bed net, deliver it to a family, and explain its use.  These nets are large enough to fit a family of four and last for up to four years.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Future of Global Health, with Dr. Sonia Sachs

The final event of this year's Forum on Global Health and Human Rights will be held this Monday, April 27,2009 at the WinterGarden Lobby of the Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York at 6pm.  We are lucky to have Dr. Sonia Sachs of the Millennium Villages Project at the Earth Institute at Columbia Universisty as our speaker!  This promises to be an exciting event and we hope you can make it!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bangladesh and Arsenic in Drinking Water

The Forum on Global Health & Human Rights presents its next event for the topic of Water as a Human Right vs. Water as a Commodity.

Join us to for the talk "Poison in the Well: Exposure, Effects, and Remediation of Arsenic in Bangladesh" by Dr. Joseph Granziano , Professor of Environmental Health Sciences and Pharmacology at the Mailman School of Public Health. 

When: Thursday, April 9
Where: Hammer 404
Time: 6:30 pm

Dinner will be provided!!

Click here to read more about Dr. Graziano's research

Joseph H. Graziano, Ph.D. 
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences and Pharmacology
Associate Dean for Research
The Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University
Director, The Columbia University Superfund Basic Research Program 

Dr. Graziano has been a faculty member at the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University since 1979, and was Chairman of the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at the Mailman School of Public Health from 1991-2002, when he became Associate Dean for Research.  He was the founding director of Columbia University's NIEHS Center for Environmental Health in Northern Manhattan.  He is widely known as an expert on childhood lead poisoning, and his laboratory developed the drug (Succimer) that is now widely used to treat this condition. In 2000, Dr. Graziano became the founding director of the Columbia University Superfund Basic Research Program (SBRP), entitled Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Lead. The Columbia SBRP involves faculty from four schools of Columbia University, and includes geochemistry, hydrology and remediation research at four U.S. Superfund sites, as well as studies of arsenic metabolism and toxicity in families exposed to naturally occurring high concentrations of arsenic in drinking water in Bangladesh.  His most recent research has discovered that both arsenic and manganese exposures are associated with cognitive deficits in children. He is currently a member of the NIEHS Council, and a member of the NIH Council of Councils.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Right to Access to Clean Water

Thanks to those of you who made it out to our screening of FLOW, a documentary about the world water crisis and the concurrent privatization of the world's fresh water supply.

You can learn more about the information in this documentary by clicking here

Sign this petition to add a 31st article to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, establishing access to clean water as a fundamental right.

And watch the video below for more information about this UDHR article.