The kick-off event to the 2008-2009 Forum on Global Health and Human Rights will take place on Tuesday, October 21 at 6:30 pm in Hammer Health Sciences Center (701 W. 168 Street) in Room 404!
The topic will be Hunger, Malnutrition, and the Global Food Crisis and the event includes a thought-provoking activity and group discussion.
Dinner will be served, so please RSVP to crf2101@columbia.edu so we can get enough food.
We look forward to seeing you there!
1 comment:
Check out an article in today's "New York Times" about engineering drought-resistant crops: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/23/business/23drought.html?hp
It is certainly an interesting focus in the context of climate change and hunger. However, as was brought up at the event on Tuesday, it's not necessarily that there is not enough food to feed hungry people, but that people either can't afford the food that is available or are not getting access to the food that is available.
Drought-resistance crops like corn will probably be more expensive to purchase than non-drought resistant crops! And if they are grown in the U.S. 5 years before they are available to other countries in Africa and South America, will reduced import tariffs and soaring export tariffs fload the markets in Africa and South America and Asia with U.S. drought-resistant corn? Which may or may not be cheaper than what is being home-grown? Which impacts economic sovereignty of African and Asian and South American farmers?
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