Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Epidemiological Transition from Infectious Disease to Chronic Disease -- Part 2

Epidemiological Transition from Infectious Disease to Chronic Disease.

The second event of the module will be on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 from 12-1 PM in HAMMER 304.   We will examine the evidence in current literature and try to highlight some of the potential issues with the delivery of actual mental health services in the developing world.

See attached article, which will be discussed during the session.

 Dementia in Developing Countries

Light refreshments will be served.

We hope to see you there!


Forum on Global Health and Human Rights



November 19th 2008

12pm- 1pm

Hammer Health Sciences Building HSC 304

701 W 168th St

New York, NY 10032

1 comment:

Forum on Global Health and Human Rights said...

In developing countries, such as India and Mali, rising numbers of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease exist alongside more "traditional" problems of undernourishment and infectious diseases. Given the limitations of national budgets, which diseases, chronic or infectious, should countries consider spending more on? Why? Consider cost, effectiveness and efficiency of prevention interventions vs. treatment interventions, and cultural norms.